Monday, April 30, 2007


Found: Broken time in Manhattan || NYC, NY.

This reflection caught my eye somewhere on the island and my Canon G3 rose to the occasion.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Found: Me riding Rebel || Wyoming, USA.

True conversation:
Missy (horse handler): Who here never rode before?
Vlad (raising his hand): Me.
Missy: get Rebel.
Vlad: F@#& you Missy! *

*-that one didn't happen.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Purple Haze

Found: Total lunar eclipse || Bucharest, Romania.

I had to dig around to retrieve this photo from a dying hard drive of my ancient PC. It was intended to be a series, but I can't find the negatives.

Friday, April 27, 2007

A Man's Dream

Found: The top shelf at the Heineken Brewery || Amsterdam, Holland.

35mm scan from positive film. I love the contrast and intensity given by slides, but I don't like the challenges presented by storing and organizing them - which is too bad since I still have a few rolls laying around.